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'80 MGB Clutch and Gearbox

MGB Clutch components and clutch hydraulics. Gearbox seals and gaskets.

MGB Clutch kit, 3 pieces 62-80 MGB Clutch kit, 3 pieces 62-80
Item #: GCK109X

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Price: $129.00
MGB Clutch kit, 3 pieces 62-80 MGB Clutch kit, 3 pieces 62-80
Item #: GCK109
Excellent quality Borg and Beck brand.
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Price: $209.00
MGB Clutch pressure plate 62-80 MGB Clutch pressure plate 62-80
Item #: GCC118
Borg and Beck brand.
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Price: $129.00
MGB Clutch disc 62-80 MGB Clutch disc 62-80
Item #: GCP116
Borg and Beck brand.
photos description
Price: $89.00
MGB Clutch release bearing clip 62-80 MGB Clutch release bearing clip 62-80
Item #: 22B66
2 Required.
photos description
Price: $2.50
MGB Pilot bushing 65-80 MGB Pilot bushing 65-80
Item #: 22H1416

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Price: $7.00
MGB Clutch alignment tool 65-80 MGB Clutch alignment tool 65-80
Item #: 33-08

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Price: $3.50
MGB Clutch hydraulic kit 62-80 MGB Clutch hydraulic kit 62-80
Item #: CLUTCH HYD 1
Clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder, hose and washer.
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Price: $55.00
MGB Clutch master cylinder 68-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder 68-80
Item #: L4223-105
Original Lockheed.
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Price: $179.00
MGB Clutch master cylinder 62-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder 62-80
Item #: L4223-105*
Aftermarket cylinder.
photos description
Price: $29.00
MGB Clutch master cylinder clevis pin 62-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder clevis pin 62-80
Item #: CLZ512

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Price: $1.50
MGB Banjo for clutch master cylinder 62-80 MGB Banjo for clutch master cylinder 62-80
Item #: BHA4310

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Price: $17.50
MGB Clutch master cylinder banjo bolt 62-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder banjo bolt 62-80
Item #: 11D5264

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Price: $8.00
MGB Clutch master cylinder washer kit 62-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder washer kit 62-80
Item #: WASHER KIT 3
For the banjo bolt.
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Price: $1.50
MGB Clutch master cylinder rebuild kit 62-80 MGB Clutch master cylinder rebuild kit 62-80
Item #: M71534-960
Rebuilds either of the two different style cylinders used on MGBs.
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Price: $16.00
MGB Slave cylinder 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder 62-80
Item #: L83901

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Price: $18.00
MGB Slave cylinder rebuild kit 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder rebuild kit 62-80
Item #: M71525

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Price: $5.00
MGB Slave cylinder hose 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder hose 62-80
Item #: BH320

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Price: $9.00
MGB Slave cylinder hose, stainless braided 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder hose, stainless braided 62-80
Item #: TT3041
Stainless steel braided type for increased durability.
photos description
Price: $24.50
MGB Clutch hose to bracket nut 62-80 MGB Clutch hose to bracket nut 62-80
Item #: 2K8686
Nut that holds the clutch hose to the chassis bracket.
photos description
Price: $2.25
MGB Clutch hose to bracket lockwasher 62-80 MGB Clutch hose to bracket lockwasher 62-80
Item #: WE600101

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Price: $0.50
MGB Slave cylinder hose copper washer 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder hose copper washer 62-80
Item #: 3H550
Copper washer between the hose and the slave cylinder.
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Price: $0.90
MGB Clutch pipe 77-80 MGB Clutch pipe 77-80
Item #: BHH1240
Metal pipe between the clutch master banjo and the slave hose.
photos description
Price: $49.00
MGB Release bearing fork bushing 62-80 MGB Release bearing fork bushing 62-80
Item #: 11G3195

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Price: $2.00
MGB Release bearing fork bolt 62-80 MGB Release bearing fork bolt 62-80
Item #: 11G3196

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Price: $6.00
MGB Release bearing fork boot 75-80 MGB Release bearing fork boot 75-80
Item #: 22H1693
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Price: $4.00
MGB Slave cylinder pushrod 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder pushrod 62-80
Item #: 13H21

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Price: $3.50
MGB Slave cylinder pushrod clevis pin 62-80 MGB Slave cylinder pushrod clevis pin 62-80
Item #: CLZ515

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Price: $1.00
MGB Clutch pedal return spring 62-80 MGB Clutch pedal return spring 62-80
Item #: BHH2387

photos description
Price: $2.25
MGB Clutch pedal bushing 62-80 MGB Clutch pedal bushing 62-80
Item #: AAA4129

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Price: $7.50
MGB Pedal box to firewall base seal 75-80 MGB Pedal box to firewall base seal 75-80
Item #: BHH1096

photos description
Price: $2.50
MGB Pedal box top cover seal 75-80 MGB Pedal box top cover seal 75-80
Item #: BHH1108

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Price: $2.25
MGB Speedometer angle drive 62-80 MGB Speedometer angle drive 62-80
Item #: 120694
Mounts on gearbox.
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Price: $54.00
MGB Gearbox shift lever bushing 62-80 MGB Gearbox shift lever bushing 62-80
Item #: 22H15
Goes on the bottom of the shift lever.
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Price: $6.00
MGB Gearbox synchro ring 68-80 MGB Gearbox synchro ring 68-80
Item #: 22H1028

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Price: $30.00
MGB Gearbox breather vent 62-80 MGB Gearbox breather vent 62-80
Item #: 12H6060

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Price: $9.00
MGB Gearbox drain plug 62-80 MGB Gearbox drain plug 62-80
Item #: 2K5830
Also the fill plug on 75-80 cars.
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Price: $9.50
MGB Gearbox front seal 62-80 MGB Gearbox front seal 62-80
Item #: 88G545

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Price: $2.00
MGB Gearbox rear seal without overdrive 68-80 MGB Gearbox rear seal without overdrive 68-80
Item #: 13H9213
For non-overdrive cars.
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Price: $3.50
MGB Gearbox rear seal with overdrive 68-80 MGB Gearbox rear seal with overdrive 68-80
Item #: NKC39
For cars with overdrive.
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Price: $3.00
MGB Gearbox speedometer drive pinion seal 62-80 MGB Gearbox speedometer drive pinion seal 62-80
Item #: NKC105
Doesn't fit 62-67 cars with overdrive.
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Price: $3.50
MGB Gearbox gasket set without overdrive 68-80 MGB Gearbox gasket set without overdrive 68-80
Item #: BGK103
Does not include seals.
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Price: $4.00
MGB Gearbox gasket set with overdrive 68-80 MGB Gearbox gasket set with overdrive 68-80
Item #: BGK104
Does not include seals.
photos description
Price: $6.50
MGB Gearbox speedometer drive gasket 62-80 MGB Gearbox speedometer drive gasket 62-80
Item #: 22H903
Non overdrive cars only.
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Price: $1.00
MGB Overdrive filter 68-80 MGB Overdrive filter 68-80
Item #: 37H1942

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Price: $12.50
MGB Gearbox dipstick plug 62-80 MGB Gearbox dipstick plug 62-80
Item #: AHH6507
The plug by the radio console to access the gearbox dipstick.
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Price: $2.50
MGB Driveshaft U-Joint 62-80 MGB Driveshaft U-Joint 62-80
Item #: U50
Universal joint with grease fitting. 2 Required.
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Price: $12.00
MGB Driveshaft U-Joint heavy duty 62-80 MGB Driveshaft U-Joint heavy duty 62-80
Item #: U50HD
Universal joint with grease fitting installed. Heavy duty. GMB brand. 2 Required.
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Price: $19.50
MGB Driveshaft yoke 62-80 MGB Driveshaft yoke 62-80
Item #: 7H3863
Also called a driveshaft flange. 2 Required.
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Price: $27.00
MGB Driveshaft yoke sleeve 62-80 MGB Driveshaft yoke sleeve 62-80
Item #: 7H3865

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Price: $44.00
MGB Driveshaft dust cap and seal 62-80 MGB Driveshaft dust cap and seal 62-80
Item #: 7H3880X
Goes on the front end of the driveshaft where the splines are located. Improved type seal.
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Price: $7.00
We are out of stock on this item.
MGB Driveshaft bolt kit front 68-80 MGB Driveshaft bolt kit front 68-80
Item #: DSK2
Between the gearbox and the driveshaft.
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Price: $12.50
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